Sunday, October 19, 2014

Explore India along with Versuasions

Hi, India. 

We are Versuasions! Versuasions who you may ask? We are you! Everything emotional, political, educational, environment and controversial. Never doubt! This is who we are. 
Who you ought to be. However the truth must be told-and we will do so examining how it plays interesting roles in oudaily lives; emotional and engaging existence.

Consider us India your written journalist-depicting, conveying, sharing the many aspects which make us human. 

We surely will not hide or give you one side of a story for any particular agenda. What you wilfind in our posts is every element of this journey we call life involves small, budding steps of emotions and feelings. 

They are at the base of our decision making, at the seat of our minds. Your desires, fooconsumption, clothing, love, anger, motivation and betrayal. 

The truth shall be told-Awareness shall bbrought to the forefront. With the strength of Gandhi, the ferociousness of the Tiger and the resilience of our beloved Modi, India has a bright future. 

A future many secretly wish to extinguish. We are Versuasions-India. Your easiest way to convey simply by sharing.

Share, love and Inspire!